Technically, I am loyal to and have been instructed in the French Academic, Flemish and Venetian schools of figurative
painting, including grisaille, glazing, scumbling and sight size techniques.

The subject matter is psychological, dictated by the influences of sexuality and violence on the self, presented within the
context of modern Americana. The individual subjects are under some sort of stress, recognition, or surveillance, and the
viewer is cast as juror, witness or spy.

Influences are varied and constant: the fantastical realism of Odd Nerdrom, the expressionist physco sexual contours of
Egon Schiele, the waxy fleshy light of Lisa Yuskavage. Literary influences are equally important and include: Gore Vidal,
Leo Tolstoy, Bret Easton Ellis, James Baldwin, and Erica Jong.

My goals are to stay humbled by technique and create images of lasting visceral and emotional impact.

There are no limits.
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Stef Duffy
Marie X
The Dorchester, room 5420
Oil on panel, 24 x 36
OIL IN LINEN, 75 x 93
back of nude
Oil on Panel
20" x 16"
Oil on Panel
20" x 16"
oil on wood panel
Sharon Tate, Oil On Linen, 82in x 68in
In progress, the souls, oil on linen, 1 of 5 48 x 60
X Girls progress

Charcoal/con te on paper, 18 x 24 each

"I've never met a  truly beautiful ,
Genuinely happy woman."

"We carved the x on our foreheads to tell you
that you cannot Judge us, cannot control us,
cannot make us feel threatened  on your
streets,  or  flatter OR Subdue or US. We are
x'ed out of your society. we are x girls."  
Jackie X