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Heidi Russell Presents
"Anastacia Drake"
Anastacia Drake
Fine Artist & Inspiration
"Make God laugh, tell him your plans"
From a very early age, Anastacia Drake recognized the ability of art to change not only the
immediate world around her, but the very
consciousness of the planet. Anastacia found great strength through challenging situations by
expressing her gift, first via detailed
pencil portraits as a child, and eventually to complex and deeply-imagined acrylic and oil
creations as an adult.

Anastacia's work offers a nod toward formality, while often exploding beyond conventional
measure, in an array of creations that are
at once striking and evocative. Her passionate use of color and multi-construed, abstract
subjects are intended to catch the eye
from a distance, while inviting the observer closer to make new discoveries.
Anastacia is a self-taught professional artist, born and raised
in Kansas. She began art at a very young age; using art as a
source of
informal therapy to get through a difficult childhood.  Ms.
Drake has worked in many mediums, but prefers acrylic and
oil paints.
She is an oft commissioned and displayed artist, developing
paintings, drawings and mixed-media for a variety of clients.
Anastacia's work can be found in private collections around
the world and she has exhibited internationally. Anastacia has
been awarded artist residencies in Hungary, Romania,
France, Haiti, India, Africa, and Italy.  In addition, she is a
personal art instructor, helping children and adults find their
artistic centrifuge, and embrace their ability - just as she did -
to affect and shape our world.
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