Highlights of the social culture and moments of obsessiveness are my chief interests in the recent work. It leads me to the idea of
anthropomorphic characteristics found in all sorts of objects that surround us, for instance in paintings such as 'Cheeseburger with Green
Apples' or 'A Slice of Pizza'. I use the Anthropomorphic code all the time to compare, understand and make sense of forms. It is a type of
code, as a metaphor of course, that helps to process the information surrounding us every single day. Toys, animals, fast food, accessories,
household items have appeared in my work. They possess the qualities applicable to a human.
It is a powerful method to communicate various ideas. Humanlike attributes help to deliver the message in the most comprehensible way. It
represents the 'something' familiar, biological, psychological, and basic. A simple toothpaste becomes an unusual subject matter for the
painting, choking with the whole new world of deliciousness.
I choose abstracted depiction of my ideas, reserving the space for the potential various interpretations. It means, I intentionally avoid any
realistic expression considering it to be too restrictive and programmed.
The work has to convey mysticism and underlying humor, while texts and titles resemble popular elements of our culture. I introduce new
mixtures, for instance, combining homonyms in the 'Sausage Engineering' painting,
where the hot dog is in an obvious transition between two concepts.
The eye-catching popping color patterns are scaling to the maximum - a bit more becomes a norm, forging inspirational vision for the future.
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"Cheeseburger with Green Apples